Development of an innovative weed system
The aim of Greece’s Operational Group (OG) is the development of an innovative system for mechanical weed control between rows, in fresh onion and broccoli crops. The innovative mechanical weed control system utilizes computational vision methods to identify planting lines, as well as the exact pacing between them.

More specifically, the system consists of the following steps:

A digital camera (RGB Camera)
As the tractor moves through, the digital camera powers the software with field images in real time.
The software takes images from the digital camera, processes them in real time and identifies the planting lines, in order to instruct the actuator to determine the course of the tractor’s accessory, through its hydraulic displacement, so that it always follows its lines. This is important because the planting rows are never perfectly aligned. With the proposed system, the accessory is hydraulically, and automatically shifted and high speeds could be achieved, without the driver having to control the course of the accessory machine.

The actuator is instructed by the software regarding the position of the planting lines relative to the accessory and will automatically receive position correction information, in case the mechanical carving parts are not in full alignment with the gap of each planting line.
This particular product has been designed to meet the needs of densely planted crops. Its special construction combined with shock absorbers (oil) in each element, increases the speed in the field without losing contact with the ground and affecting the driver. In addition, it could accommodate three different types of rows: 6-row, 8-row and 12-row.