Thu, Apr 6, 2023

Welcome to our newsletter!

Our aims are to set-up a self-sustainable, multi-actor, EU-wide Thematic Network to assess, support, and promote solutions for alternative weed control & build on knowledge exchanges & the wider uptake options.

Sharing practices on
alternative weed control

Outcomes will be available as fact sheets, videos, e-learning modules and other audio-visual material. Best practises and audio-visual material will be demonstrated at regional/ national agricultural fairs.

Our 8 ‘operational groups’
across 7 countries

The synthesis of partner in operational groups is based on their expertise, geographical location, novelty of solutions, as well as the established connections with the AKIS actors.

What’s happening right now?

News and upcoming events that Oper8 will either attend or organize.

Latest news

March 21, 2023

Your opinions are valuable!

Read more >

February 22, 2023

The Oper8 NNOs first gathering!

Read more >

Upcoming events

13th of April
Drone day (Sweden)
Read more >

26th of April
Oper8 webinar #1 on Electric Weeding (Online)
Read more >

This Project has received funding from The European Union Horizon 2021 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Programme under grant agreement 101060591

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